Dr. Peter Iltis

Peter Iltis is Professor of Kinesiology at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts where he has served for 35 years. He has taught courses in physiology and exercise physiology, as well as being Professor of horn. 
He was principal horn of the Lexington Symphony until 2001 when he was diagnosed with embouchure dystonia which ended his playing career.  Since that time, Dr. Iltis has been conducting research on this movement disorder, and in 2013 worked with Dr. Eckart Altenmüller in the first phase of real-time MRI research in brass musicians. 
Since that time, in collaboration with Dr. Jens Frahm, Director of the Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany, he has been Director of the MRI Brass Repository Project (MBRP). 
This project has been featured on international television (Sarah’s Music), and has produced 11 peer-reviewed publications over the last 4.5 years.  The work of the MBRP continues through the summer of 2019 in a focused effort at studying tongue involvement in embouchure dystonia, as well as expanding the MRI video repository of healthy advanced performers to include many more subjects across horn, trumpet and trombone players.

Recent Publications (2014-current)

-Iltis, P.W. Medical and scientific issues: Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Window to Understanding Motor Control in Horn Playing?. The Horn Call, January, 2014
-Iltis, P.W. Dystonia.  in Salem Health, Magill’s Medical Guide, Volume II, Salem Press, Grey House Publishing, pp. 692-694, 2014.
-Lee, A., S. Furuya, M. Morise, P. Iltis, and E. Altenmuller. Quantification of instability of tone production in embouchure dystonia.  Parkinsonism Related Disorders (2014) 20(11):1161-4
-Iltis, P.W., E. Schoonderwalt, S. Zhang, J. Frahm, and E. Altenmuller.  Real-time, high-speed oropharyngeal MRI in brass players: a methodological pilot study. Human Movement Science (2015) 42:132-45, DOI 10.1016/j.humov.2015.04.013
-Iltis, P.W., E. J. Frahm, D. Voit, A. Joseph, E. Schoonderwalt, and E. Altenmuller.  High-speed real-time MRI of fast tongue movements in elite horn players.  Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery (2015) 5(3):374-381, DOI 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4292.2015.03.02
-Iltis, P.W., J. Frahm, D. Voit, A. Joseph, E. Schoonderwalt, E. Altenmüller.  Divergent oral cavity motor strategies between healthy elite and dystonic horn players. Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders (2015) 2:15, DOI 10.1186/s40734-015-0027-2.
-Iltis, P.W., J. Frahm, D. Voit, A. Joseph, R. Burke, E. Altenmüller.  Inefficiencies in motor strategies of horn players with embouchure dystonia. Medical Problems of Performing Artists (2016) 31(2):69-77
-Iltis, P.W., S.L. Gillespie, J. Frahm, D. Voit, A. Joseph, E. Altenmüller.  Movements of the glottis during horn performance: a pilot study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists (2017) 32(1):33-39.
-Iltis, P.W. When science meets brass. The Instrumentalist (2017) 72(1):36-39.
-Iltis, P.W., J. Frahm, D. Voit, A. Joseph, A. Miller. Movement of the tongue during lip trills. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, (2017) 32(4):209-214.
-Iltis, P.W., E.K. Epstein. MRI Horn: Brass pedagogy informed by science. The Horn Call, February, 2018.
Douglass, N., Iltis, P.W. Iltis, J. Frahm, D. Voit, A. Joseph, P.K. Fisher. Abnormal oral cavity motor strategies in a horn player with orofacial myofunctional disorder: a case study using real-time MRI. International Journal of Orofacial Myology, March 2018)
-Iltis, P., J. Frahm, E .Altenmüller, D. Voit, A. Joseph, and K. Kozakowski. Tongue Position Variability During Sustained Notes in Healthy vs Dystonic Horn Players Using Real-Time MRI. Medical Problems of Performing Artists (2019) 34(1): in print
-Iltis, P, J. J. Frahm, E .Altenmüller, D. Voit, A. Joseph, N. Douglass. Real-Time MRI visual feedback in embouchure dystonia and tongue thrust: implications for treatment? Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders (under review 2019)
-Iltis, P, J. J. Frahm, M. Heyne, D. Voit, A. Joseph, L. Atlas. Simultaneous dual-plane, real-time magnetic resonance imaging of oral cavity movements in advanced trombone players. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery (under review 2019)

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